In our study of Isaiah chapter two, we look at the coming day of judgement which brings about the establishment of the only proper government and the millennial reign.
** Note ** In this study, we will be using the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) translation which was translated directly from Hebrew into English. You can get your own hardback or paperback copy on Amazon where we will earn a small commission.
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For a deep dive discussion of this chapter, you can listen to The Olive Grove Podcast on Youtube.
This is the word that Yesha'yahu the son of Amotz saw concerning Y'hudah and Yerushalayim: In the acharit-hayamim the mountain of ADONAI's house will be established as the most important mountain. It will be regarded more highly than the other hills, and all the Goyim will stream there.
Isaiah introduces himself again and begins to describe the vision he was given by God concerning the last days of this age. He describes how God's temple and mountain will be lifted above all others and all nations will come to it. Throughout the Bible, mountains speak of government and this passage tells of a time that is usually referred to as the millenial reign. During this time, The correct government which is God's government, will be put in place and it will be acknowledged by the entire earth as the proper and correct government. Today, the world basically reports to the United Nations but, in this time, the United Nations will be no more and, just as all of the nations go to a yearly meeting called the general assembly, all nations will report to Jerusalem.
Many peoples will go and say, "Come, let's go up to the mountain of ADONAI, to the house of the God of Ya'akov! He will teach us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths." For out of Tziyon will go forth Torah, the word of ADONAI from Yerushalayim.
During this time, since it is obvious who the real God is, people will abandon their false beliefs. They will seek the truth from the Lord and God's word will be shared with the nations. We see that the temple is described as the house of the God of Jacob and that refers to the God of rewards for those who pursue the will of God. We see that Yeshua Messiah will teach from the Torah and it will go out to the nations. We see that Jerusalem is called Zion and, when we see that in the scriptures, it refers to the redeemed Jerusalem.
He will judge between the nations and arbitrate for many peoples. Then they will hammer their swords into plow-blades and their spears into pruning-knives; nations will not raise swords at each other, and they will no longer learn war.
Isaiah continues to describe his vision of the world when God is acknowledged as the proper ruler. The previous verse tells of the individual response of people while this verse tells of the effects on nations. Isaiah tells of a time when men will not have to settle their problems by force but will seek God's wisdom and He will settle the matters. We see that the swords will be hammered into shovels and the spears into pruning shears and both of these tools are for gardening and producing fruit instead of war. No longer will resources be wasted on war and the preparation for war but instead they will be spent on growing and nurturing life.
Descendants of Ya'akov, come! Let's live in the light of ADONAI!
In this verse, Isaiah appeals to the people of Israel to live in obedience to God. He is encouraging them to make their actions match the word of God. We too, have received this same appeal as Yeshua himself said, in Matthew 5:14, "You are the light of the world." We are called to be an example of God's Word in action.
For you have abandoned your people the house of Ya'akov. Now they are filled from the east, full of sorcerers, like the P'lishtim; even the children of foreigners are enough for them!
Isaiah tells us that God left the people to their false gods. He explains how the people started to do the things of the people around them instead of holding to the teachings of God. The "divination" that the verse talks about was the practice of attempting to gain secret knowledge of the future from false gods. The act of clasping hands symbolizes the agreement to do something as in this case the people started participating in the idolatry of the people that did not know God. The same holds true today in that, if we start pursuing the ways of the world around us (idolatry), God will not be a part of it. Yeshua wants to be the Lord of our lives and that means that he is in control. If we choose to try going in the way of the world, we can no longer be walking with Yeshua but, if we repent and turn back to God, he is waiting there to "clasp hands" with us again.
Their land is full of silver and gold; They have no end of treasures. Their land is full of horses; They have no end of chariots. Their land is full of idols; everyone worships the work of his hands, what his own fingers have made.
Isaiah continue to list the reasons that God has abandoned the people. He explains that the people and their land had prospered thanks to God but now the people worship the things created instead of the Creator. Material objects have become a god to them and God does not share his divinity. This passage could describe much of the world today as we have become so proud of the things we possess. The "full of silver and gold" is much the same as our retirement accounts and other bank accounts. The reference to "chariots" is much like the cars we possess where, in most cases in the USA, families own more than one and treat them as their pride and joy.
A person bows down, a man lowers himself - don't forgive them!
This verse seems kind of harsh as if Isaiah is disgusted. He says that, because of their idolatry, they will be humbled but it is as if he is asking God to not forgive them. At first glance, we may judge Isaiah harshly but have you ever got so frustrated that you are just disgusted with someone? Isaiah has the burden of seeing what things could be like, if the people turned back to God, and at the same time seeing the reality of a people that do not see a need for repentance. Do you know someone who is content in their sin? That is the situation Isaiah is dealing with and it can be very frustrating.
Come into the rock, hide in the dust to escape the terror of ADONAI and the glory of his majesty.
Although Isaiah knows that it is impossible, he now tells the people to try to hide from the coming judgment of the Lord. What is also interesting about this verse is that it describes what is going to happen on the day of the Lord. In Revelation 6:15 & 16, John tells of this happening on that day.
The proud looks of man will be humiliated; the arrogance of men will be bowed down; and when that day comes, ADONAI alone will be exalted. Yes, ADONAI-Tzva'ot has a day in store for all who are proud and lofty, for all who are lifted high to be humiliated; for all cedars of the L'vanon that are high and lifted up, for all the oaks of the Bashan; for all the high mountains, for all the hills that are lifted up; for every high tower, for every fortified wall; for every "Tarshish" ship, for every luxurious vessel. The pride of man will be bowed down, the arrogance of men will be humiliated, and when that day comes, ADONAI alone will be exalted. The idols will be completely abolished.
Once again, we see the phrase "that day" and, when we see that phrase, we know that it speaks of the judgement day. Isaiah is telling the people that all the material things around them that they take pride in are going to be destroyed. He is once again asking the people to humble themselves willingly. This passage seems even more relevant to our world today as we have all the marvelous things that people have made and we take pride in owning them. From fancy cars to homes to even the latest mobile phone, these things too shall pass away as Isaiah says. Mankind must stop the worship of man made objects and turn back to God (humble ourselves) because, on that day, the Creator is going to be exalted and not the creation.
People will enter cracks in the rocks and holes in the ground to escape the terror of ADONAI and his glorious majesty, when he sets out to convulse the earth.
Isaiah is telling the people of the day that Yeshua returns to the earth. Those that denied him will now see the power and splendor of the Lord. It will no longer be possible to deny the truth of God and so they will be terrified as they realize that judgment has come. John says, in Revelation, that they will be so terrified that they will beg to die.
On that day a man will take hold of his idols of silver and idols of gold, which they made for themselves to worship, and fling them away to the moles and bats!
Isaiah goes on to explain that on that glorious day of the coming of the Lord, all the idols will be cast down. Mankind will realize that all of their machines, buildings, etc. will mean nothing when the Creator of the universe shows up. Nothing can hide or protect them from the coming judgment.
Then they will enter the cracks in the rocks and the crevices in the cliffs to escape the terror of ADONAI and his glorious majesty, when he sets out to convulse the earth. Stop relying on man, in whose nostrils is a mere breath - after all, he doesn't count for much, does he?
Isaiah repeats that, on the judgment day, the people will attempt to flee from the Lord. He is almost begging the people to stop trusting in men and put their faith in God. He concludes with a question to try to get them to see that it does not make sense to trust in men and the things of their hands. This same plea should be ours as Christians as we try to show others the hope that we have in Yeshua Messiah. But first, we must examine ourselves to make sure that we have put God first in our lives (anything less is the same kind of idolatry that Isaiah was speaking of).
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