Isaiah Chapter Twelve

The Millennial Song

In our study of Isaiah chapter twelve, we will look at the songs of praise that the saved will sing during the millennial reign here on the earth. We will see how the redeemed will sing a song about their salvation as well as a song about the work to be done during the thousand year kingdom here on the earth.

** Note ** In this study, we will be using the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) translation which was translated directly from Hebrew into English. You can get your own hardback or paperback copy on Amazon where we will earn a small commission.

For a deep dive discussion of this chapter, you can listen to The Olive Grove Podcast on Youtube.

Isaiah 12:1

On that day you will say: "I thank you, ADONAI, because, although you were angry at me, your anger is now turned away; and you are comforting me.

"On that day" refers to the kingdom described in chapter eleven as well as in Revelation 20. We see that, in this kingdom, God's people will be praising Him for His mercy.

Isaiah 12:2

"See! God is my salvation. I am confident and unafraid; for Yah ADONAI is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation!"

Isaiah was talking to the people of Judah at this time and speaking of a time when many of them would turn away from their own efforts at salvation and accept the free gift of Yeshua as their Messiah. Yeshua is the only way of salvation and all of us who are His will be singing this song.

Isaiah 12:3

Then you will joyfully draw water from the springs of salvation.

Today, many of us take water for granted as we simply open the tap and water comes into our home that we can drink. The people of Judah did not have it so easy as they had to draw water from a well that was often far from their home. Imagine the joy that they would have in water coming to them instead of them having to go and carry it. Throughout the Bible water is a picture of the Spirit of God and it is this Spirit that dwells inside of us and brings forth joy.

Isaiah 12:4

On that day you will say, "Give thanks to ADONAI! Call on his name! Make his deeds known among the peoples, declare how exalted is his name.

Now, we see the other song and its purpose is to tell those that do not know Him about Yeshua and what He has done for us and them.

Isaiah 12:5 & 6

Sing to ADONAI, for he has triumphed - this is being made known throughout the earth. Shout and sing for joy, you who live in Tziyon; for the Holy One of Isra'el is with you in his greatness!"

Joy; that is what the children of God should be known for. Whether it is in good times or bad, the world can and should see the joy of our Lord through us. We can be unhappy because of our circumstances but our joy is in the Lord and therefore does not depend on what is going on around us.

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