Isaiah Chapter Sixty

Jerusalem's Rise

In our study of Isaiah chapter sixty, we see how the once small and hated nation of Israel will be raised up and the redeemed city of Jerusalem will be the center of the world.

** Note ** In this study, we will be using the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) translation which was translated directly from Hebrew into English. You can get your own hardback or paperback copy on Amazon where we will earn a small commission.

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For a deep dive discussion of this chapter, you can listen to The Olive Grove Podcast on Youtube.

Isaiah 60:1 & 2

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, the glory of ADONAI has risen over you. For although darkness covers the earth and thick darkness the peoples; on you ADONAI will rise; over you will be seen his glory.

This passage refers to a change that will happen to Israel in the last days and that change will be caused by the appearance of Yeshua Messiah. As we saw in the last chapter, God will raise up Messiah as a banner while the people of Israel are being persecuted by the enemy in this very dark period of time.

Isaiah 60:3 & 4

Nations will go toward your light and kings toward your shining splendor. Raise your eyes and look around: they are all assembling and coming to you; your sons are coming from far off, your daughters being carried on their nurses' hips.

When a remnant of the nations sees what God has done for Israel, there will be some that want to join with Israel in worship and become a part of the family of God.

Isaiah 60:5-7

Then you will see and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with delight; for the riches of the seas will be brought to you, the wealth of nations will come to you. Caravans of camels will cover your land, young camels from Midyan and 'Eifah, all of them coming from Sh'va, bringing gold and frankincense, and proclaiming the praises of ADONAI. All the flocks of Kedar will be gathered for you, the rams of N'vayot will be at your service; they will come up and be received on my altar, as I glorify my glorious house.

This passage speaks of a change in the hearts of the people as they go from fear to seeing things from God's perspective. They will see that with God's redemption comes his provision and that provision is an abundance. We see that the wealth of Sh'va will be brought to Israel and the fact that sheep and goats from Kedar will willingly go to the altar in Jerusalem. In this, we see the fact that all things of the earth are going to submit to God.

Isaiah 60:8 & 9

"Who are these, flying along like clouds, like doves to their dovecotes? The coastlands are putting their hope in me, with the 'Tarshish' ships in the lead, to bring your children from far away, and with them their silver and gold, for the sake of ADONAI your God, the Holy One of Isra'el, who glorifies you.

All of this is going to come about by God's supernatural power as everything is put into its proper order. God's authority and rule will extend to even the most remote areas of the earth as they come to Jerusalem for worship.

Isaiah 60:10-12

Foreigners will rebuild your walls, their kings will be at your service; for in my anger I struck you, but in my mercy I pity you. Your gates will always be open, they will not be shut by day or by night, so that people can bring you the wealth of nations, with their kings led in procession. For the nation or kingdom that won't serve you will perish; yes, those nations will be utterly destroyed.

Because of God's mercy, the wrath has ended and even foreigners are contributing to the security of Israel. All of the kings of the earth will submit to Yeshua Messiah and as we see in Revelation 21:25, the gates to the city of Jerusalem will always remain open because any nation that does not submit will be completely destroyed.

Isaiah 60:13 & 14

"The glory of the L'vanon will come to you, cypresses together with elm trees and larches, to beautify the site of my sanctuary - I will glorify the place where I stand. The children of your oppressors will come and bow low before you, all who despised you will fall at your feet, calling you the city of ADONAI, Tziyon of the Holy One of Isra'el.

Even the riches of Lebanon will be brought to the house of God. The children of the nations that persecuted Israel will come to Jerusalem and worship God acknowledging that it is the city of God.

Isaiah 60:15 & 16

"In the past you were abandoned and hated, so that no one would even pass through you; but now I will make you the pride of the ages, a joy for many generations. You will drink the milk of nations, you will nurse at royal breasts and know that I, ADONAI, am your Savior, your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Ya'akov.

This passage speaks of the fact that the people of the nations will be used by God to provide for the needs of the house of Jacob and we remember that the name Ya'akov speaks of one who pursues the will of God.

Isaiah 60:17 & 18

"For bronze I will bring you gold, for iron I will bring you silver, bronze in place of wood, and iron in place of stones. I will make shalom your governor and righteousness your taskmaster. Violence will no longer be heard in your land, desolation or destruction within your borders; instead, you will call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise.

We see a great exchange taking place as everything is put into the proper order and all that was good is replaced by what is best with peace replacing violence in the land.

Isaiah 60:19 & 20

"No more will the sun be your light by day, nor will moonlight shine on you; instead ADONAI will be your light forever and your God your glory. No longer will your sun go down; your moon will no longer wane; for ADONAI will be your light forever; your days of mourning will end.

The source of light in this redeemed Jerusalem is the presence of God and the sun and moon will no longer be needed. There will no longer be any sin and so the sadness and suffering will end.

Isaiah 60:21 & 22

All your people will be tzaddikim; they will inherit the land forever; they will be the branch I planted, my handiwork, in which I take pride. The smallest will grow to a thousand, the weakest will become a mighty nation. I, ADONAI, when the right time comes, will quickly bring it about."

The only people left will be the righteous that were redeemed by the Lord and they will be the ones that receive the blessings of God. This will bring about the glorification of God as the once little nation will become mighty. All of these changes will come about at the proper time and, when that start time comes, these events will take place rapidly.

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