Isaiah Chapter Forty Five

The Eternal Choice

In our study of Isaiah chapter forty five, we see that there is a choice that all of mankind faces and that is to embrace or reject the plan of God and that choice determines our eternity.

** Note ** In this study, we will be using the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) translation which was translated directly from Hebrew into English. You can get your own hardback or paperback copy on Amazon where we will earn a small commission.

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For a deep dive discussion of this chapter, you can listen to The Olive Grove Podcast on Youtube.

Isaiah 45:1-3

Thus says ADONAI to Koresh, his anointed, whose right hand he has grasped, so that he subdues nations before him and strips kings of their robes, so that doors open in front of him, and no gates are barred: "I will go ahead of you, levelling the hills, shattering the bronze gates, smashing the iron bars. I will give you treasures hoarded in the dark, secret riches hidden away, so that you will know that I, ADONAI, calling you by your name, am the God of Isra'el.

This passage speaks of the calling of Cyrus who became the king of the Persian empire but we must understand that this calling was over one thousand years before Cyrus was even born. We see that this prophecy of Isaiah is that a king named Cyrus would be used by God to fulfill the purposes of God and we must also remember that this man would have been a gentile and not a member of the community of Israel. We also see that it was God who gave him the strength to overcome the other kingdoms and to gain wealth and it was so that Cyrus would know that it was the God of Israel that was at work.

Isaiah 45:4-6

It is for the sake of Ya'akov my servant, yes, for Isra'el my elect, that I call you by your name and give you a title, although you don't know me. I am ADONAI; there is no other; besides me there is no God. I am arming you, although you don't know me, so that those from the east and those from the west will know that there is none besides me - I am ADONAI; there is no other.

God says that it is for the sake of his chosen people that he has placed this call on Cyrus. We also see that a part of that purpose is to demonstrate to the whole world that there is no other God but the God of Israel.

Isaiah 45:7 & 8

I form light, I create darkness; I make well-being, I create woe; I, ADONAI, do all these things. "Heavens above, rain down justice; let the clouds pour it down. Let the earth open, so that salvation springs up, and justice sprouts with it. I, ADONAI, have created it."

In the original Hebrew it says that God made good and evil and that is often mistranslated because people do not want to accept that fact but, here, it is plain to see that God created the earth and all of his creation has a choice to make. We can choose light and peace or we can have darkness and evil but we also see that God is at work bringing salvation and righteousness to the world.

Isaiah 45:9 & 10

Woe to anyone who argues with his maker, like potsherds lying on the ground! Does the clay ask the potter, "What are you doing?" or, "What's this you're making, that has no hands?" Woe to him who asks a father, "Of what are you the father?" or who asks a woman, "To what are you giving birth?"

This passage shows how ridiculous it is for any man to reject the plan of God. It is like clay that questions what the potter has made or a child asking a parent why they gave birth to the child. In both cases, the idea that such things would take place is just like someone disagreeing with the creator of all things.

Isaiah 45:11-13

Thus says ADONAI, the Holy One of Isra'el, his Maker: "You ask for signs concerning my children? You give orders concerning the work of my hands? I am the one who made the earth! I created human beings on it! I- my hands - stretched out the heavens, and directed all their number. I am stirring up Koresh to righteousness, I am smoothing out all his paths. He will rebuild my city; and he will free my exiles, taking neither ransom nor bribe," says ADONAI-Tzva'ot.

In the same manner, it is ridiculous for man to question the plans of God and to question who he uses to bring about those plans. He goes on to sat that Cyrus is being woken up to the things of God and he is going to participate freely in bringing about those plans. We also see that Cyrus was not going to do so to get riches from God but, as we saw before, God was going to bless Cyrus with riches because it was a part of God's plan.

Isaiah 45:14 & 15

Here is what ADONAI says: "The earnings of Egypt, the commerce of Ethiopia, and men of stature from S'va will come over to you and become yours; they will come in chains and follow you. They will prostrate themselves before you; they will pray to you: 'Surely God is with you; there is no other, other gods are nothing.'" Truly, you are a God who hides himself, God of Isra'el, Savior!

God lists three major kingdoms of that period of time and assures Israel that, in the end, they will serve Israel and acknowledge that the God of Israel is the one and only God.

Isaiah 45:16 & 17

The idol-makers will be ashamed, disgraced, all of them; they will go dishonored together. But Isra'el, saved by ADONAI with an everlasting salvation, you will never, ever, be ashamed or disgraced.

Idol makers are those people that seek their own will and reject the will of God. Here, we see that, in the end, they will be put to shame while Israel is lifted up to eternal salvation.

Isaiah 45:18 & 19

For thus says ADONAI, who created the heavens, God, who shaped and made the earth, who established and created it not to be chaos, but formed it to be lived in: "I am ADONAI; there is no other. I did not speak in secret, in a land of darkness. I did not say to the descendants of Ya'akov, 'It is in vain that you will seek me.' I, ADONAI, speak rightly; I say what is true.

We can know that these things are true by the fact that God created all things and he gave his creation order. This work was not done in secret as his plan was revealed to Avraham.

Isaiah 45:20-22

Assemble, come and gather together, you refugees from the nations! Those carrying their wooden idols are ignorant, they pray to a god that cannot save. Let them stand and present their case! Indeed, let them take counsel together. Who foretold this long ago, announced it in times gone by? Wasn't it I, ADONAI? There is no other God besides me, a just God and a Savior; there is none besides me. Look to me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God; there is no other.

This passage speaks of the remnant of Israel being called out of the nations and the fact that the nations still cling to their idols and their own desires instead of embracing the plan of God. All of this is nothing new as God revealed his will to Avraham and predicted these events. We see again that God desires for all mankind to embrace his plan and join in his kingdom.

Isaiah 45:23-25

In the name of myself I have sworn, from my mouth has rightly gone out, a word that will not return - that to me every knee will bow and every tongue will swear about me that only in ADONAI are justice and strength." All who rage against him will come to him ashamed, but all the descendants of Isra'el will find justice and glory in ADONAI.

Just as we have seen the things that God has said come about, we can also be sure that everyone will bow to him in the end just as he also said. Those who reject that plan will be judged while those that accept the plan will see the glory of the coming kingdom.

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