Isaiah Chapter Fifty Five

Glorified Israel

In our study of Isaiah chapter fifty five, we see that Israel will be glorified by God as it accepts the gospel and becomes a light unto the nations.

** Note ** In this study, we will be using the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) translation which was translated directly from Hebrew into English. You can get your own hardback or paperback copy on Amazon where we will earn a small commission.

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For a deep dive discussion of this chapter, you can listen to The Olive Grove Podcast on Youtube.

Isaiah 55:1-3

"All you who are thirsty, come to the water! You without money, come, buy, and eat! Yes, come! Buy wine and milk without money - it's free! Why spend money for what isn't food, your wages for what doesn't satisfy? Listen carefully to me, and you will eat well, you will enjoy the fat of the land. Open your ears, and come to me; listen well, and you will live - I will make an everlasting covenant with you, the grace I assured David.

Throughout the Bible, water speaks of life and blessing and we see that eternal life is a free gift from God. In our world today, most people are focused on making money so that they can buy the things that they need to survive while not giving consideration to their life after this time on earth. The question is asked of why we do this instead of listening to the good news that God has made a way for us to have eternal life through the covenant of the abundant grace of the Messiah.

Isaiah 55:4-6

I have given him as a witness to the peoples, a leader and lawgiver for the peoples. You will summon a nation you do not know, and a nation that doesn't know you will run to you, for the sake of ADONAI your God, the Holy One of Isra'el, who will glorify you." Seek ADONAI while he is available, call on him while he is still nearby.

We see that Yeshua Messiah was given as a witness and leader of the people of Israel to show them how to be in the will of God. Once again, we see Israel's call to be a light to the nations drawing foreign people to a right relationship with God. The promise that God will glorify Israel speaks of the fact that they are a unique and distinct people chosen by God and, in the end, all of the world will see the truth of that statement. There is a call to accept this good news while it is available and that speaks of the fact that God is available and near when the gospel is presented.

Isaiah 55:7-9

Let the wicked person abandon his way and the evil person his thoughts; let him return to ADONAI, and he will have mercy on him; let him return to our God, for he will freely forgive. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways," says ADONAI. "As high as the sky is above the earth are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

This passage speaks of repentance which is turning from our ways of thinking and action to the will of God and we are assured that no matter what the sin God freely forgives. This may not make sense to us because we do not understand the thoughts of God because he has a kingdom perspective and we usually look at things from a worldly perspective.

Isaiah 55:10-13

For just as rain and snow fall from the sky and do not return there, but water the earth, causing it to bud and produce, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater; so is my word that goes out from my mouth - it will not return to me unfulfilled; but it will accomplish what I intend, and cause to succeed what I sent it to do." Yes, you will go out with joy, you will be led forth in peace. As you come, the mountains and hills will burst out into song, and all the trees in the countryside will clap their hands. Cypresses will grow in place of thorns, myrtles will grow instead of briars. This will bring fame to ADONAI as an eternal, imperishable sign.

God gives blessing which produces what is needed for the sustenance of his people. In the same manner, the gospel message has come from heaven and it is going to produce fruit in the lives of his creation which is the will of God. This fruit will bring joy to all that witness it and it will glorify God as a sign of what he has done in our lives.

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