In our study of Esther chapter ten, we will look at the fact that God elevates his humble servants. In chapter 9, we saw how the faith of the Jews brought about their deliverance from their enemies. Now, we will see how God rewards his humble servants.
** Note ** In this study, we will be using the Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) translation which was translated directly from Hebrew into English. You can get your own hardback or paperback copy on Amazon where we will earn a small commission.
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For a deep dive discussion of this chapter, you can listen to The Olive Grove Podcast on Youtube.
King Achashverosh laid tribute on the land, the coasts and the islands. All the acts of his power and might, along with a full account of the high honor to which the king advanced Mordekhai, are written in the Annals of the Kings of Media and Persia.
King Xerxes had a great empire and Mordecai was elevated with him. He was included in their history books as well as being remembered by the Jews as they celebrated Purim. He is even remembered today with this story in the Bible but we must remember that the story began with him sitting outside the gate to the palace. (It began with humility.)
For Mordekhai the Jew was second only to King Achashverosh; he was a great man among the Jews, popular with all his many countrymen. He sought the good of his people and interceded for the welfare of all their descendants.
This humble servant was elevated to the number two position in the kingdom because of his love for his fellow man. Jesus told us (in John 13:36) that this is also how we, as Christians, will be known to be His disciples. We, like Mordecai, can expect God to elevate our stature if we are humbly serving Him. It may be in the world today; it may be in the future millennial reign or it may be both.
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